9 Healthy Habits for Positive Mental Health

It’s easy to consider daily habits when it comes to physical health, we know that the more active we are the easier it is to overcome minor setbacks like illness or injury. However, we often don’t think much about mental health until it becomes an issue—keeping us from performing daily tasks. Even then, delays in treatment for mental illnesses are longer than for many other health conditions.

Just as we learned as kids the basics of preventing the common cold, (wash your hands often, avoid touching your face, keep your distance from those who are sick, etc.) there are a few habits that we can implement to improve our mental health and prevent serious illness.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and we’re joining Mental Health America in their 2022 campaign “Back to Basics” to provide simple reminders for maintaining positive mental health.

Here are nine healthy habits for maintaining positive mental health: 

1.     Move your body.

Getting regular exercise benefits nearly every aspect of your health. As little as 10 minutes of exercise can boost your mood. No time for a major workout? Turn an everyday task into exercise with a little extra oomph. Walk to the mailbox with purpose, park a little further from the grocery store entrance, or take a minute to stretch or shake out your arms and legs. https://mhanational.org/fitness-4mind4body-exercise


2.     Eat nutritious food.

A healthy diet is one that is full of vegetables, fruits, legumes, fish, whole grains, nuts, avocados, and olive oil. The food you consume affects your hippocampus, a key area of the brain involved in learning, memory, and mental health. When you’re feeling less than great, it’s easy to turn to sweet and fatty comfort foods, but making a healthy choice instead can help you get back to feeling like yourself a little quicker. https://mhanational.org/fitness-4mind4body-diet-and-nutrition


3.     Be mindful.

Whether you’re into meditation on the yoga mat or not, you can practice mindfulness by being present in each activity that fills your day. Take time to look around and recognize the scenery as you commute to work or take a few deep breaths as you wait in line for your lunch order. Being present in the moment can keep you from overthinking your to-do list and stressing over things that are out of your control.


4.     Socialize.

Having a support system is key when the going gets tough and it’s important to foster trust in your relationships with friends and family. When you discuss your emotions within the bounds of those trusting relationships, you will often find that you’re not alone and those around you are often experiencing something similar.


5.     Get enough sleep.

Getting the right amount of sleep affects your physical and emotional health. The quality of your sleep also matters. Quality sleep includes being asleep for 85% of the time you spend in bed, falling asleep in 30 minutes or less, and waking no more than once per night for no longer than 20 minutes. The health benefits a good night’s sleep can provide is unparalleled. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/532436


6.     Volunteer.

A great way to forget your own worries is by serving others. Being part of something bigger than yourself by volunteering can bring purpose and passion to your life. When you’re involved in providing solutions for others, you may find increased ease in overcoming your own obstacles.


7.     Practice Gratitude.

Taking a moment each day to recognize the things you are grateful for can help you have a more positive view on life. Amid the hustle and bustle, it can be difficult to recognize anything but life’s stressors. When you practice gratitude, you’ll be more apt to recognize positive emotions throughout the tedious motions.


8.     Disconnect from technology.

The luxury of instantaneous connection to information and acquaintances across the world has added some obvious distractions to life. Taking frequent breaks from social media, television, and video games can reduce anxiety and depression, enhance focus and productivity, and make more time for the activities and people who bring you the most joy. https://www.cnet.com/health/mental/digital-detox-for-mental-health/


9.     Talk about your emotions.

Emotionally healthy people don’t feel happy and positive all of the time. The emotions we feel are part of a large spectrum and the way you feel at any given moment is valid. Talking through your feelings with a trustworthy friend or a licensed professional can help you feel more confident when your emotions seem to be out of control.

These nine tips are great reminders that when it comes to positive mental health, we just have to go “Back to Basics.” If you feel that despite having healthy habits your thoughts, feelings, or behaviors are cause for concern reach out to a mental health professional who can help. 


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