• What is a qEEG Brain Map?

    Quantitative Electroencephalogram is mental health imaging that measures the electrical activity in your brain.

  • Bring balance to your brain.

    The goal of Neurofeedback is to spread the electrical activity across brain regions to bring balance and soothe overactive lobes.

  • Your brain is amazing!

    Through behavioral experiences, our brains are trained to process information uniquely. Seeing how your brain reacts to stimuli can provide incredible insight about your mental health!

Utilizing multiple brain regions in unison is necessary for important processes including:

  • regulating attention

  • executive function

  • working memory

  • mood

  • language processing

  • understanding non-verbal cues

The use of particular regions can be seen in the documentation of electrical waves in the brain.

qEEG Brain Mapping

A qEEG (Quantitative Electroencephalogram) brain map analyzes brain waves (Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, Gamma) and then visually represents how each region of the brain communicates with one another when performing complex tasks.

This test is similar to an ECG or EKG (electrocardiogram) which measures electrical activity in the heart.

Why get a brain map?

This non-invasive test produces images of your brain that display how your brain processes stimuli. This information can help you and your clinician identify the source of symptoms or dysregulation—potentially giving you additional insight to why you might be experiencing mental health issues.

For example, an individual who experiences anxiety, may show abnormally heightened alpha waves in the frontal lobe of the brain.

brain scan showing heightened alpha waves in the frontal lobe

Brain mapping is the first step when determining a course of treatment utilizing Neurofeedback.

Based on the brain map analysis, a Neurofeedback protocol is developed to target specific regions of the brain and retrain the appropriate areas to create balance between regions and soothe overactive brain activity.

Whether or not you choose to do Neurofeedback sessions, brain mapping can provide incredible insight about the way your brain uniquely processes stimuli.

Neurofeedback is a form of biofeedback that trains brain function using operant conditioning.

How does Neurofeedback work?

Individuals are taught to recognize when their brains are reacting to certain triggers and then to create an optimal state of cognitive function by passively altering their brain waves. This training takes place as brain waves are monitored and feedback is provided through visual or auditory cues.

Conducting additional brain map tests throughout treatment can show progress made.

These brain map images show Alpha waves in the frontal lobe of a 39-year-old male. You can see a reduction in overactive Alpha waves over a 2 month period with Neurofeedback treatment.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • A brain map is produced during a 50-minute session with a clinician who has been trained to conduct a qEEG and Neurofeedback.

    Through a soft cap, 20 sensors are placed on the surface of your head to record the electrical activity in your brain. Two scans take place--one while eyes are open and a second while eyes are closed.

    The results are then analyzed by comparison to average results for your demographics and then represented in a report. Your clinician will review this report with you to help you understand how your brain processes information and whether or not Neurofeedback would be an appropriate modality for you.

  • After analysis of your brain map, a protocol is developed to target specific regions of the brain and retrain the appropriate areas to better communicate with one another.

    Typically, a series of approximately 15 sessions is required to experience a noticeable difference. Each neurofeedback session consists of a brief check-in with your clinician and then a soft cap is placed on your head.

    Based on the protocol, sensors are placed to monitor specific brain waves. The next 40 minutes are spent consuming audio/visual content such as a television show, movie, video game, etc. all while you train your brain to make better connections.

  • As long as Neurofeedback is conducted by a trained clinician, it is considered safe and associated with minimum risks. Potential side effects include, discomfort from probe placement, fatigue, drowsiness, agitation, and anxiety. Symptoms can be prevented or reduced with proper hydration prior to Neurofeedback sessions.