Ryan Sorensen

Executive Assistant

About Ryan..

Ryan's favorite activities include hanging out with his super cool wife, eating foods from different countries, and, naturally, playing Fortnite with the boys. Ryan is a longtime fan of Bigfoot and dreams of the day he gets his autograph. Ryan can see 1 mile unaided by a lens, frequently turns down recruiting efforts by both the Secret Service and Calvin Klein modeling agencies, and has the ability to speak any language possible. If you need something done, Ryan is the person to ask. If you need someone protected, Ryan can help you out. If you're having a hard day, Ryan is always willing to kick it back and share a root beer float with you.

Ryan is currently attending Weber State University, working on a degree in Human Resource Management.

Ryan’s Motivation...

“Out of all my duties, my favorite is the opportunity to get to know so many aspiring mental heath professionals who want to make a difference in the world. I have learned that there are countless people who are not only willing to help others, but make it their life's purpose to support those who are suffering.

What keeps me going in my life is the opportunity to make others feel loved. I think too many times in society, people focus on themselves and forget that they share the world with 8 billion people. I think one of the greatest ways to spend my time is to build relationships with family, friends, and anyone I meet. Also, the thought of a good sirloin steak is what keeps me going in the hardest of times.”

Ryan is proud of…

Ryan married the girl of his dreams. This is his greatest accomplishment, and nothing will ever top it.